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08-01 来自 回复
This scenario would see official campaigning for the national poll kick off on Oct 10, with voters thereafter casting their ballots on Oct 22
书香门第网 V 博主 Sogou Explorer Windows 10 x64
08-02 来自" Cho and her husband have also donated hundreds of thousands of yuan to help prevent the children of poverty-stricken rural families in Anhui from dropping out of school 回复
@ What has it to do with dissolving the lower house now?" said Seiji Maehara, leader of the largest opposition Democratic Party
V 铁粉 Google Chrome 78.0.3904.108 Windows 10 x64 板凳
08-01 来自 回复
According to Allen Williams, the business development manager at the Iowa Economic Development Authority, the state has had more inquiries from China in recent months than in the previous two or three years
书香门第网 V 博主 Sogou Explorer Windows 10 x64
08-02 来自 回复
@ Head of the Russian State Duma's Foreign Affairs Committee Leonid Slutsky said Friday that Pyongyang is playing a "dangerous game," which comes as a clear challenge to the international community
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08-01 来自 回复
The training course on the Chinese lion dance is part of the 2017 China Africa Cultures in Focus, an activity held by the Bureau for External Cultural Relations of Chinese Ministry of Culture to strengthen the cultural communication between China and African countries
书香门第网 V 博主 Sogou Explorer Windows 10 x64
08-02 来自 回复
@ Zhou Fuming, director general of Suzhou Mike Textile, who has set up a textile and dyeing company in Ethiopia, said that he learned more about Western Africa, the population, the resource and demand so that he would be able to bring Chinese resources to Africa and the Africans' to China


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